Traditional, Independent, Baptist, Make Freedom Baptist Your Home.
Freedom Baptist Church of Middle Georgia
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
the Son therefore shall make you free.. Jn 8:36

For Teens Only!

Are you ready to be an adult?                               Is life just a joke to you?
Do you know you are a special creation?               Do you know: There will never be another YOU?
Do you know what's expected of a woman?           Do you know what's expected of a man?
Are you learning from the mistakes of others?      Do your parents have a clue about the real you?
Are you ready to prepare yourself to be a responsible member of your community?
You are created by God who wants you to be His Child. He wants to teach you and prepare you for this present life with His goal - eternal life with Him. Let us help you prepare for the greatest adventure you can imagine! Life without regrets!
We want to give you a solid foundation in the doctrines in the Bible. It is vital to reach you now so that you have the strength and basis for your faith before leaving high school, your parent's home and going to college and on out into the world.
We want to supply you with the teaching, training, tools and activities you need which will help you to grow as a godly Christian, and which will spare you from the often "hidden" dangers of a global centered world-view. We want you to have a future of "freedom" not of fear, guilt, remorse or shame.
We want you to realize it is "freeing" to be a Christian and not be stressed and oppressed by the sins of the day.  We want to be your leaders and want you feel safe coming to us with your questions and problems - about yourself, your friends, your lonliness, your lack of experience in life issues, your origin, God's purpose and plan for your life or the life lessons we, as leaders, learned during our teen years, often the hard way, etc.
Please Pray for Our Troops and Missionaries Around the World.


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